Grab this opportunity -

 Here is a great  news for all the designers and engineers with a new challenge.

Dezeen x Samsang Re : Create Design Challenge

In collaboration with Samsung, Dezeen is presenting an exciting opportunity for its readers to showcase their creative thinking by proposing innovative ways to repurpose old electronic devices and waste materials that are no longer in use.

The Re:Create Design Challenge, brought to you by Dezeen and Samsung, invites participants to reimagine and transform outdated Samsung devices or materials into new products or services that will make a positive difference for both people and the environment.

Individuals aged 18 and above from any country or region are welcome to participate in this global initiative. The most captivating ideas will be featured on the Dezeen platform, while the top three ideas will receive a combined prize of £18,000.

Entries for the competition will be accepted until July 19, 2023. A selection of the finest ideas will be showcased on Dezeen in August 2023, and the final results will be revealed in October 2023.


Samsung's commitment to sustainability is evident through initiatives like the Re:Create Design Challenge, which can be explored on their website. This competition aims to discover ground-breaking ideas that enhance people's lives and make a positive impact on the planet by utilizing old Samsung devices or materials.

Samsung has already made significant strides in this direction, exemplified by projects like Eyelike, where old smartphones are repurposed as medical diagnosis cameras. Additionally, their latest Galaxy devices incorporate recycled plastic sourced from discarded fishing nets, while the SolarCell Remote utilizes recycled materials for 24% of its plastic components and operates on light energy rather than disposable batteries.

Emphasizing the era of boundless opportunities and uncertainties, Samsung believes in the transformative power of creativity. They recognize the need to protect and revolutionize our future through meaningful and sustainable innovations. The competition endeavours to ignite a spark that paves the way for impactful changes benefiting us all.

To delve deeper into Samsung designs, please visit for additional information.


Participants are challenged to create innovative products or services by re-purposing or recycling old Samsung devices or utilizing waste materials. This encompasses a wide range of possibilities, such as re-purposing smartphones, tablets, televisions, and recycling materials like plastic, glass, and aluminium used in Samsung's product development.

Entrants have the freedom to propose ideas that re-purpose entire devices or focus on recycling specific components or materials. Regardless of the approach, the ultimate goal is to conceive designs that enrich people's lives and contribute to a more sustainable world. The proposed concepts must demonstrate a positive impact on both individuals and the environment.

Judging Criteria 

Entries will be judged by an expert pannel comprising Dezeen editors and design professionals on the following criteria.

  • Innovation - How original is the idea ?
  • Problem Solving - Does the idea propose meaningful solutions to improve peoples lives ?
  • Social and environmental impact - How will the idea positively impact people and planet ?
  • Human centered design - How well does the idea fit with Samsang's design philosophy and resonate with its products or the lifestyles of Samsang consumers ? 
You can finde out more about Samsang's design philosophy here

Who can enter

Re:Create Design Challenge welcomes participants from all over the world, irrespective of their professional background, as long as they are aged 18 or above. Whether one is a professional designer, non-designer, or a student, they are eligible to enter.

Individuals or teams are encouraged to submit their entries, and participants have the option to enter multiple designs if they desire. However, for each design, a separate entry form must be completed and submitted.

How to enter 

Entrants will need to submit their entry via this form and include the following information:

• Name of the product or service, which will appear on all communication and media coverage.

• A description of the product or service, explaining how it addresses each of the judging criteria (maximum 600 words)

• A main image depicting the product or service in use

• A minimum of five and up to 15 supporting images showcasing the design

• (Optional) A video or animation

Each submitted image should be a single image, free from any logos or text, formatted as either JPG or PNG file with a maximum resolution of 1MB each. Higher-resolution images may be requested from finalists and the winner at a later stage.

The image should visually depict the product or service in use. The supporting images can include alternative angles of the main image, as well as other renders, drawings, sketches or diagrams that explain the concept. Any images submitted or footage included in such images must be licence-free.

The optional video or animation should be uploaded to an external hosting platform (such as YouTube or Vimeo) and submitted via a URL in the entry form.

For team entries, one member of the team should submit the entry. There is a special field on the entry form where all the names of the team can be entered.

All entrants must read and agree to be bound by the competition terms and conditions before entering.

Closing Date

All entries must be received by 23:59 GMT on 19 July 2023. Any entries received after the deadline will not be considered for the competition.

Once the initial round is completed, shortlisted entries will be announced and published on Dezeen in August 2023. An expert panel of juries will select and determine two finalists and one winner. The finalists and the winner will be announced and published on Dezeen in October 2023.


There is a total of £18,000 of prize money available: a top prize of £10,000 for the winner and £4,000 for each finalist.

Terms and conditions

Full terms and conditions for the competition can be viewed here. All entrants must read and agree to the terms and conditions before entering.


Any questions about the competition and all press enquiries should be emailed to:


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